h.nvironmcntal causes of learning and behavior problems, as contrasted with genetic or conuenital causes, are explored for the purpose of alert in n the learning disabilities professional to those conditions for which remedial measures may be taken. These emironmentul causes fall into five neneral categories: chronic anxiety, malnutrition, toxicity, allergy, and clectromaunetu radiation or technical pollution. Although remediation procedures will be different for each individual ecolo^ic cause, recognition by the learning, disabilities professional of ccoloxueffected conditions will allow for recommendation and initiation of diagnostic procedures, which in turn could remediate the specific condition. O f major concern to teachers, school administrators, and parents are those children who, for one reason or another, have difficulty with particular aspects of learning; they are said to have learning disabilities. Some of these children, hut not all. have also been found to be hyperactive, hut not all hyperactive children have learning problems; the two max be separate problems or they may overlap. There are mam known causes of learning problems and hyperactive behavior, and probabl\ just as main causes as yet undetected ( ) ! these causes, there are five classifications that involve factors in the environment of the child and thus would be1 considered ecological: anxiety, malnutrition, toxieitx, allergy, and technical pollution. This article is designed to present to the professional in learning disabilities the currently known environmental causes of learning and behavioral problems. Although there can be genetic-, traumatic, or pathologic" reasons tor these* problems, environmental reasons allow (or solutions that, in some instances, ma> be instituted by the learning disabilities professional, but in most instances may at least be recogni/ed ANXIETY Anxiety, or chronic arousal, is the result of constant pressure, either internal or external, that