La división de los roles de género en las parejas en las que solo trabaja la mujer en Abstract Couples in which the woman is the sole breadwinner are unusual and represent an atypical allocation of household roles. The aim of this study is to study the gender division of roles in the United States and Spain in couples where only the woman works. The study shows that these couples are more equal than other types of couples, and that this type of couple has changed significantly in Spain, whereas their characteristics have remained more stable in the United States. The gender gap has clearly reversed in the United States in terms of time spent on domestic work. However, it has not reversed in Spain, where women continue to do more housework, even when they are the only employed member of the couple.
Cómo citarGarcía Román, Joan (2020). «La división de los roles de género en las parejas en las que solo trabaja la mujer en Estados Unidos y España». Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas, La versión en inglés de este artículo puede consultarse en Fuente: Current Population Survey (Flood et al., 2015, Encuesta de Población Activa (INE y Censos de Población (Minnesota Population Center 2015