Of 41 children, aged 5–15 years, referred consecutively because of recurrent urinary tract infections (UTIs) and/or enuresis, 18 (44%) showed detrusor instability (DI) in at least 2 of 6 CO2 cystometries. One child was excluded from the study because of lack of follow-up. Four children with less pronounced DI (instability during ≤ 50% of the cystometries performed) and frequent UTIs were given antibiotics prophylactically for 3 months. In the remaining 13 children, DI was found during more than half the cystometries performed, and 11 of these children, who also had urge incontinence, were treated with emepronium bromide, 400–600 mg daily (10–12 mg/kg) for 3 months. In 7 of the patients this treatment was supplemented by antibiotics prophylactically because of frequent UTIs. Two children with special problems received other types of treatment. All children were free from symptoms at a clinical check-up 6 months later, 95% confidence limits 0–20%.