Drawing on empirical research and informed by recent theoretical discussions surrounding faith identities and masculinities, this article examines second and third generation, British born Sikh men's identification to the Sikh faith. In particular, it focuses on the appropriation and use of recognised Sikh symbols amongst young British men who define themselves as Sikh. This article suggests that whilst there are multiple of ways of 'being' a Sikh man in contemporary postcolonial Britain, and marking belonging to the Sikh faith, there is also a collectively understood idea of what an 'ideal' Sikh man should be. Drawing upon Connell and Messerschmidt's (2005) discussion of locally specific hegemonic masculinities, it is suggested that an ideal Sikh masculine identity is partly informed by a Khalsa discourse, which informs a particular construction and performance of Sikh male identity, whilst also encouraging the surveillance of young men's activities both by themselves and by others within the wider Sikh collective. These Sikh masculinities are complex and multiple, rotating to reaffirm, challenge and redefine contextualised notions of hegemonic masculinity within the Sikh diaspora in postcolonial Britain. Such localised Sikh masculinities may both assert male privilege and reap patriarchal dividends, resulting in particular and specific British Sikh hegemonic masculinities which seek to shape the performance of masculinity, yet in another context these very same performances of masculinity may also signify a more marginalised masculinity vis a vis other dominant hegemonic forms.