This paper investigates bandwidth-efficient DRAM caching for hybrid DRAM + 3D-XPoint memories. 3D-XPoint is becoming a viable alternative to DRAM as it enables highcapacity and non-volatile main memory systems. However, 3D-XPoint has several characteristics that limit it from outright replacing DRAM: 4-8x slower read, and even worse writes. As such, effective DRAM caching in front of 3D-XPoint is important to enable a high-capacity, low-latency, and high-write-bandwidth memory. There are currently two major approaches for DRAM cache design: (1) a Tag-Inside-Cacheline (TIC) organization that optimizes for hits, by storing tag next to each line such that one access gets both tag and data, and (2) a Tag-Outside-Cacheline (TOC) organization that optimizes for misses, by storing tags from multiple data lines together in a tag-line such that one access to a tag-line gets information on several data-lines. Ideally, we would like to have the low hit-latency of TIC designs, and the low miss-bandwidth of TOC designs. To this end, we propose a TicToc organization that provisions both TIC and TOC to get the hit and miss benefits of both.We find that naively combining both techniques actually performs worse than TIC individually, because one has to pay the bandwidth cost of maintaining both metadata. The main contribution of this work is developing architectural techniques to reduce bandwidth cost of accessing and maintaining both TIC and TOC metadata. We find that most of the update bandwidth is due to maintaining the TOC dirty information. We propose a DRAM Cache Dirtiness Bit technique that carries DRAM cache dirty information to last-level caches, to help prune repeated dirty-bit updates for known dirty lines. We also propose a Preemptive Dirty Marking technique that predicts which lines will be written and proactively marks the dirty bit at install time, to help avoid the initial dirty-bit update for dirty lines. To support PDM, we develop a novel PC-based Write-Predictor to aid in marking only write-likely lines. Our evaluations on a 4GB DRAM cache in front of 3D-XPoint show that our TicToc organization enables 10% speedup over the baseline TIC, nearing the 14% speedup possible with an idealized DRAM cache design with 64MB of SRAM tags, while needing only 34KB SRAM.