Multitrophic interactions involving plants, insect herbivores, and their antagonists are ubiquitous in terrestrial ecosystems and underpin our understanding of the structure and function of ecological communities (Stam et al., 2014). Most plants in nature are attacked by insect herbivores, and high infestations can severely damage plant tissues and thus reduce plant fitness (Johnson, Lajeunesse, & Agrawal, 2006). To prevent or reduce attack, plants employ an array of strategies to reduce herbivory, including the production of a wide assortment of toxic, repellent, antidigestive, and antinutritive chemical defences (Mithöfer & Boland, 2012). Plant chemical defences can also traverse trophic levels, moving up the food chain to affect not only the consuming herbivores but subsequently also herbivore predators (Hartmann, 2004;