As co-instructors of an undergraduate course in Archaeological Geology, we have developed an in-class research project using the Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) to analyze and interpret physical traces of stages in the history of a unique lithic artifact. This exercise requires preliminary instruction on percussion and pressure flaking, geological materials suited for chipped stone tool manufacture, contextual archaeological analysis, theory of electron microscope use, and post-depositional surface processes, particularly those creating natural wear due to wind or water abrasion. With this background, students acquired four images of surface and edge locations of the study artifact using the SEM. We asked students to write a description of the analytical technique, a compilation of their observations and analytical data, and an interpretation of the artifact's history. Although most students recognized that the artifact recorded multiple stages of manufacture and use, additional comparative images of water-or wind-worn, chipped or ground cherts would give students greater ability to distinguish cultural modifications from those created by post-depositional geologic processes. Students expressed enthusiasm about the project and indicated a high level of engagement on evaluations (mean score=4.3-4.4, median score=4.5-5.0 on a scale of 1 [low] to 5 [high]).
COURSE AND PROJECT GOALSDuring the last fifteen years, reviews of national science education have strongly encouraged educators to use concrete, participatory experiences to improve students' abilities to design, implement and evaluate experiments and to retain scientific knowledge (AAAS, 1989; NRC, 1996 NRC, , 2000. A wide variety of National Science Foundation-sponsored workshops and special sessions at national meetings (e.g., From the introductory classroom to capstone experience -integrating research into the undergraduate curriculum GSA, 2000, and Using data to teach earth processes, GSA 2003) continue to highlight innovative active-learning projects, many of which include primary research.During the spring (2003) semester at Kansas State University (KSU), we developed and co-taught an interdisciplinary undergraduate course in Archaeological Geology that provided three credit hours in anthropology or geology. As key components of the course, we wished students to acquire: a) knowledge of geological processes that affected past human societies and the archaeological record, b) an introduction to analytical methods used by geologists that aid in the interpretation of our human past, c) an understanding of geologic time and dating techniques, and d) an appreciation for how geologic knowledge is critically applied toward the interpretation of the human past. In order to reach these goals, we designed and implemented seven participatory projects that stressed evaluation of geologic and archaeological data and the use of higher cognition skills, particularly synthesis and interpretation (Bloom et al., 1956).For one of these ac tiv i ties we asked s...