“…Theses trategies included estabilization by:s olubilization in aprotic solvent [31,32] (e.g.,i onic liquids), [33,34] additives (e.g.,m etal salts, metallic-basedn anostructures), [35][36][37][38][39][40][41][42][43][44] chemical modification (e.g.,a midoboranes), [45][46][47][48][49][50][51][52] and nanoconfinement( using an inert poroushost to confine AB,for example,silica). [53][54][55] Carbon, with low weight, high abundance,l ow cost, and low reactivityt owards guest materials is an example of an effectivep orous host for confinement of AB.C arbon cryogels result in depressed dehydrogenation onset temperatures with the suppression of ammonia [56] while activatedc arbon (AC)confined AB apparently beginst or eleaseH 2 at room temperaturew ith one of the decompositions teps involving an acid-base reaction between the AC and the hydridic H dÀ in AB,w hichi nteracts with the H d + of the COO-H groups present in AC. [57] Graphene-basedm aterials, including graphene oxide (GO), can also be applied as hosts,w hich has enabled reversible hydrogenation of AB and releaseo fp ure hydrogen below 100 8C.…”