♦REMARKS: Although 110 cores were taken, Cores 104-642E-1W and -642E-2W are wash cores and Core 104-642E-49B is bit samples. They are treated only as samples and excluded in the core-recovery calculation.
SITE 642 SUMMARY IntroductionODP Site 642 is located at the outer Vriring Plateau, east of magnetic anomaly 24B and over the inner part of the wedge of the seaward-dipping reflector sequence. Coring at Site 642 re covered a volcanic sequence consisting of two main units below a cover of predominantly pelagic-hemipelagic Neogene and Qua ternary sediments. A total of five holes were drilled at the site. These are:642A. 1 APC core, 1.3-10.8 mbsf, 642B. 25 APC cores, 0-221.1 mbsf, 642C. 24 APC cores, 0-199.6 mbsf, 642D. 18 XCB and 2 NCB cores, 189.9-329.9 mbsf, and 642E. 107 R cores, 322.5-1229.4 mbsf.The results of coring these holes, all of which are located within 450 m of each other, are summarized in a single lithostratigraphic column (Fig. 1 The high recovery and quality of the cores, the microfossil as semblages, and paleomagnetic record make the drilled sequence an excellent late Cenozoic reference section at high latitudes. In addi tion, about 50 discrete ash layers document adjacent North Atlantic (probably Icelandic) volcanism. The pelagic and hemipelagic Neo gene and Quaternary sediments allow us to describe the depositional environment and the properties of surface and bottom-water masses during times of late Cenozoic glacial/interglacial climatic fluctua tions (possibly lasting 4.5 m.y), as well as during the "preglacial" timespan when the Norwegian Sea was filled with temperate to sub polar water masses.Seismic data, as well as physical properties measurements and their correlations, reveal a low seismic velocity, about 1.6 km/s, for the sedimentary section. The major intrasedimentary marker at the plateau appears to be of early or basal Miocene age, indicating that the seismic stratigraphy established by earlier studies may have to be reevaluated.The entire volcanic section contains 137 volcanic flows, 59 volca niclastic sediment layers, and seven units that may be dikes. The se quence can be divided into upper and lower series that are distinctive in the textural, mineralogical, chemical, and structural characteris tics of the flows as well as in the compositions of interlayered volca niclastic sediments. The entire series was deposited under terrestrial conditions. In the seismic record these series are separated by a band of low-frequency reflectors, the first of which is denoted "K." The upper volcanic series composes the seaward-dipping reflector sequence at the outer Wring Plateau.
315-1093 mbsf. Middle(?)/Early EoceneThe upper series consists of 120 tholeiitic basalt flows. Their composition suggests an affinity with the basalts of the North At lantic Paleogene volcanic province. Two varieties of flows, fine-and medium-grained, which differ in quantitative mineral content, gran ularity, internal flow fabric, and average thickness have been ob served. Interlayered volcaniclastic sediments, whi...