“…[23] Fig. 8-Activity coefficient of silicon in the Fe-Si melt according to: ᭪, present study, T ϭ 1873 K; and to the literature values: -Sanbongi and Ohtani, [38] T ϭ 1733 to 1813 K; -Schwerdtfeger and Engell, [37] T ϭ 1883 K; ٗ-Smith and Taylor, [36] T ϭ 1873 K; ϩ-Bowles et al, [35] T ϭ 1833 K; ᮂ-Fruehan, [32] T ϭ 1873 K; ٌ-Yamada et al, [33] T ϭ 1873 K; ᭺-Chipman et al, [39,43] T ϭ 1873 K; ⌬-Turkdogan et al, [40] T ϭ 1873 K; ᭛-Murakami et al, [41] T ϭ 1873 K; ϫ-Gokcen and Chipman, [42] T ϭ 1873 K; ᭹-Zapffe and Sims, [27] T ϭ 1873 K; -Matoba et al, [28] T ϭ 1873 K; ᭢-Tszen-Tszi et al, [34] T ϭ 1873 K; ᮁ-Cirilli et al, [31] T ϭ 1833 K; ᭡-Scheider and Meyer-Yungnick et al, [29] T ϭ 1873 K; -Kubo and Sakao, [30] T ϭ 1873 K; and ----compositional dependence of activity coefficient of silicon recommended by Chart. [44] ᮄ ᮂ thermodynamic properties along with the results of their extrapolation on the basis of the developed models beyond the experimentally accessible intervals (1522 to 1880 K for the Si-B melt and 1449 to 1854 K and 9.7 to 73.0 mol pct B for the Fe-B melt) were used to compute the Si-B and Fe-B equilibrium diagrams.…”