Magnetoactive elastomers (MAEs) on the basis of a silicone matrix filled with carbonyl iron microparticles are developed for an envisaged application in eye surgery for treatment of complicated retinal detachments. The proposed magnetic fixator of an eye retina consists of an MAE seal placed inside an eye in the area of a retinal break, and an external silicone sponge with embedded permanent magnets which can be sutured to the sclera to provide magnetic field acting on the internal MAE seal. For MAE seal development, MAEs of various compositions (containing 52-76 mass% of ferromagnetic iron microparticles) are synthesized and their surface, magnetic, mechanical, and rheological properties are investigated in external magnetic fields. To demonstrate MAEs efficacy as an element of the retina magnetic fixator, magnetic forces acting between MAE samples and systems of permanent magnets were measured in the curved configuration corresponding to the human eye geometry. It has been demonstrated that the pressure produced within the fixator can be varied in a wide range by tuning the MAE composition and MAE seal dimensions as well as by optimizing the size and configuration of permanent magnets within the external silicone sponge.A high magnetic response of MAEs makes them very promising for numerous practical applications. Being a solid analogue to magnetic fluids 20 MAEs can be explored in the areas where magnetic fluids are usually used, in particular, as sealing elements, vibration absorbers, and so forth. Moreover, MAEs have some advantages in comparison with magnetic fluids, in particular, Additional Supporting Information may be found in the online version of this article.