Two cellular proteins (molecular weights: 56,000 and 32,000) were specifically co-immunoprecipitated by simian virus 40 and BK virus t-antigens and by polyoma virus non-T early proteins.In a previous study (20), we demonstrated that two cellular proteins with apparent molecular weights of 56,000 (56K) and 32K were specifically iunmunoprecipitated in association with the simian virus 40 (SV40) t-antigen. The 56K and 32K proteins were found in infected and in uninfected cells. To demonstrate the presence of the proteins in uninfected cells, extracts of radiolabeled uninfected cells were mixed with unlabeled extracts of SV40-infected cells before immunoprecipitation. The specificity of the interaction was shown by the use of SV40 deletion mutants that do not synthesize intact small tantigen and by the use of specific antisera (10). The 56K and 32K proteins were not present in immunoprecipitates of cells infected with t-antigen deletion mutants or when antisera that do not recognize the viral t-antigen were used for immunoprecipitation.Other transforming papovaviruses code for the synthesis of t-antigens that resemble the SV40 t-antigen both in size and in sequences of cysteine-rich regions of the proteins (2, 3, 17). Consequently, it was of interest to determine whether t-antigens of the human papovavirus BK virus (BKV) and the mouse virus polyoma could promote the co-immunoprecipitation of cellular proteins from infected cells.Immunoprecipitation of proteins from BKVinfected cells was studied by using human embryonic kidney (HEK) cells that had been infected with wild-type BKV for 72 h at 37°C (8,19). The infected cells were pulsed with [35S]methionine for 24 h, then extracted with 0.5% Nonidet P-40 in Tris-buffered saline, pH 8. Extraction buffers included 2 to 5 mM dithiothreitol. Immunoprecipitation was done according to standard procedures (20). Proteins were immunoprecipitated by using antisera from hamsters bearing tumors of the SV40-transformed cell line, THE-2 (10). The SV40 and BKV large Tand small t-antigens cross-react immunologically (11,15), and the antitumor sera raised against THE-2 cells interacted with these proteins at high efficiency. Antisera raised in animals bearing BKV-induced tumors were not used because all sera tested in these laboratories lacked detectable antibody to viral small t-antigens and recognized only large T-antigens of SV40 and BKV.Immunoprecipitates of BKV-infected HEK cells contained the viral proteins, T and t (21K), but also contained two proteins with apparent molecular weights of 56K and 32K (Fig. 1B). Electrophoretically similar 56K and 32K proteins were also present in immunoprecipitates of SV40-infected monkey kidney (CV-1) cells (Fig. 1C), but not in immunoprecipitates of cells infected with SV40 deletion mutants that lacked t-antigen (Fig. 1D). To determine whether the 56K and 32K proteins observed in immunoprecipitates of BKV-infected cells were cellular in origin, mixed extract experiments were done. Uninfected CV-1 cells were labeled with methionine and then mixe...