Recently, the group of coincidence isometries of the root lattice A4 has been determined providing a classification of these isometries with respect to their coincidence indices. A more difficult task is the classification of all CSLs, since different coincidence isometries may generate the same CSL. In contrast to the typical examples in dimensions d ≤ 3, where coincidence isometries generating the same CSL can only differ by a symmetry operation, the situation is more involved in 4 dimensions. Here, we find coincidence isometries that are not related by a symmetry operation but nevertheless give rise to the same CSL. We indicate how the classification of CSLs can be obtained by making use of the icosian ring and provide explicit criteria for two isometries to generate the same CSL. Moreover, we determine the number of CSLs of a given index and encapsulate the result in a Dirichlet series generating function.