One of the great challenges underlying the search for molecule-based functional materials is to produce systems exhibiting properties of technological interest that can be tuned and exploited at room temperature. Some landmark achievements in this respect are the discovery of a molecule-based magnet that displays ordering above 300°C, [1] and the preparation of molecular materials that undergo spin-crossover phenomena near room temperature.[2] Spin-crossover materials are based on the ability of certain transition metal ions to interconvert between two labile electronic states with concomitant switching of their color, magnetic properties, and/or molecular structural parameters. [3,4] The transition is triggered by external stimuli, such as electromagnetic radiation, magnetic fields, or pressure/temperature variations. Within crystalline phases, the response to the spin-crossover may be transmitted in a cooperative manner throughout the material, leading to a hysteretic behavior. [5] In such a case, the system becomes bistable and can therefore be considered as an externally addressable molecular switch. Current efforts are aimed at integrating spin-crossover centers into metal organic frameworks (MOFs) to combine the properties derived from the spin transition with other properties, such as chirality, conductivity or those derived from nanoporosity. The molecular approach used in preparing hybrid materials has been mostly exploited to obtain networks that exhibit a wide range of pore sizes and shapes, [6][7][8] with the added potential of offering a variety of other functions, in particular because of the inclusion of transition metals. [9][10][11] This may lead to systems where the multifunctionality is manifested by the coexistence of more than one property, such as ferromagnetism and metal conductivity, [12] with no mutual interdependence. The presence of different functions within a material, however, can occur in such a way that they influence each other in a synergistic manner, thereby producing effects that would not be observed if these properties were not coupled. Remarkable examples are, for instance, the observation of a switchable dielectric constant in a material controlled by the spin state of its spin-crossover centers, [13] or the ability to modify the spin-crossover properties of a nanoporous framework by changing the nature of its guest molecules.[14]We have been engaged for some time in the design and synthesis of sophisticated multidentate N-heterocyclic ligands such as 2,4,6-tris-(di(pyridin-2-yl)amino)-1,3,5-triazine (dpyatriz; Scheme S1), [15] and have studied their ability to combine with paramagnetic ions in the construction of zerodimensional or polymeric metal-organic arrays with interesting magnetic properties. For example, metal-organic open frameworks with unprecedented structures, and which include open-shell metals, have been fully characterized. [16,17] In addition, discrete dinuclear complexes of Fe II with dpyatriz have been obtained, and display (extremely rare) ferromagnetic ...