Rock masses contain ubiquitous multiscale heterogeneities, which (or whose boundaries) serve as the surfaces of discontinuity for some characteristics of the stress state, e.g., for the orientation of principal stress axes. Revealing the regularities that control these discontinuities is a key to understanding the processes taking place at the boundaries of the heterogeneities and for designing the correct procedures for reconstruct ing and theoretical modeling of tectonic stresses. In the present study, the local laws describing the refraction of the axes of extreme principal stresses T 1 (maximal tension in the deviatoric sense) and T 3 (maximal com pression) of the Cauchy stress tensor at the transition over the elementary area n of discontinuity whose ori entation is specified by the unit normal n are derived. It is assumed that on the area n of discontinuity, fric tional contact takes place. No hypotheses are made on the constitutive equations, and a priori constraints are not posed on the orientation on the stress axes. Two domains, which adjoin area n on the opposite sides and are conventionally marked + and -, are distinguished. In the case of the two dimensional (2D) stress state, any principal stress axis on passing from domain -to domain + remains in the same quadrant of the plane as the continuation of this axis in domain +. The sign and size of the refraction angle depend on the sign and amplitude of the jump of the normal stress, which is tangential to the surface of discontinuity. In the three dimensional (3D) case, the refraction of axes T 1 and T 3 should be analyzed simultaneously. For each side, + and -, the projections of the T 1 and T 3 axes on the generally oriented plane n form the shear sectors S + and S -, which are determined unambiguously and to whose angular domains the possible directions p + and p -of the shear stress vectors belong. In order for the extreme stress axes and to be statically compatible on the generally oriented plane n, it is required that sectors S + and S -had a nonempty intersection. The direction vectors p + and p -are determined uniquely if, besides axes and , also the ratios of dif ferential stresses R + and R -(0 ≤ R ± ≤ 1) are known. This is equivalent to specifying the reduced stress tensors and The necessary condition for tensors and being statically compatible on plane n is the equal ity p + = p -. In this paper, simple methods are suggested for solving the inverse problem of constructing the set of the orientations of the extreme stress axes from the known direction p of the shear stress vector on plane n and from the data on the shear sector. Based on these methods and using the necessary conditions of local equilibrium on plane n formulated above, all the possible orientations of axes are determined if the projections of axes axes on side -are given. The angle between the projections of axes , and/or , on the plane can attain 90°. Besides the general case, also the particular cases of the contact between the degenerate stress states and the special posit...