This is a very biased and incomplete survey of some basic notions, old and new results, as well as open problems concerning Weinstein symplectic manifolds.
Weinstein manifolds, domains, cobordismsWe begin with a notion of a Liouville domain. Let (X, ω) be a 2n-dimensional compact symplectic manifold with boundary equipped with an exact symplectic form ω. A Liouville structure on (X, ω) is a choice of a primitive λ, dλ = ω, called Liouville form such that λ| ∂X is a contact form and the orientation of ∂X by the form λ ∧ dλ n−1 | ∂X coincides with its orientation as the boundary of symplectic manifold (X, ω). The vector field Z, that is ω-dual to λ, i.e. ι(Z)ω = λ, is also called Liouville. It satisfies the condition L Z ω = ω which means that its flow is conformally symplectically expanding. The contact boundary condition is equivalent to the outward transversality of Z to ∂X. A Liouville domain X can always be completed to a Liouville manifold X by attaching a cylindrical end:and extending λ to X as equal to e s (λ| ∂X ) on the attached end. We will be constantly going back and forth between these two tightly related notions of Liouville domains and Liouville manifolds.Given a Liouville structure L = (X, ω, Z) we say that a Liouville structure L = (X , ω, Z) is obtained by a radial deformation from L if there exists a function h : *