Using microbridge technique, we have studied the vortex dynamics in a very low-temperature region ͑i.e., T / T c → 0͒ of the B-T phase diagram of Bi 2 Sr 2 Ca 1 Cu 2 O 8+␦ single crystal. We distinguish two types of vortex dynamics near the depinning threshold depending on the magnitude of the vortex-vortex interactions. For 0.01Յ 0 H Ͻ 1 T, we show that current-voltage ͑I-V͒ characteristics are strongly dependent on the history of magnetic field and current cycling. The sharp peak, so-called "peak effect," observed in 0 H-I c curve is due to a metastable state that can be removed after current cycling. At low field, I-V curves show steps that would be clearly related to "fingerprint phenomenon" since the relationship R d = dV / dI exists. This can be attributed to vortices flow through uncorrelated channels for the highly defective lattice. Indeed, as field sufficiently increases, these peaks merge to make broader ones indicating a crossover from filamentary strings to braid riverlike in which vortex-vortex interactions becomes significant. As confirmed by the discontinuity in the critical exponent value  determined in the vicinity of the threshold current using the power-law scaling V ϳ͑I − I c ͒  with a crossover from  = 2.2 to  = 1.2. The strong vortex correlation along the c axis has been clearly demonstrated using the dc-flux-transformer geometry for transport measurements that confirms the pseudo-two-dimensional ͑2D͒ behavior of the flux-line lattice. Our transport studies are in good agreement with simulations results of 2D elastic objects driven by repulsive interactions through a random pinning potential.