An array system of coupled maps is proposed as a model for economy evolution. The local dynamics of each map or agent is controlled by two parameters. One of them represents the growth capacity of the agent and the other one is a control term representing the local environmental pressure which avoids an exponential growth. The asymptotic state of the system evolution displays a complex behavior. The distribution of the maps values in this final regime is of power law type. In the model, inequality emerges as a result of the dynamical processes taking place in the microscopic scales.Key words: coupled-maps models, non-equilibrium systems, power law scaling Inequality in the richness distribution is a fact in each economic activity. The origin of such behavior seems to be caused by the interaction of the macro with the microeconomy. Here we propose a simple spatio-temporal model for economy evolution where inequality emerges as a result of the dynamical processes taking only place on the microscopic scale. That is, the microeconomy fully determines the macroeconomic characteristics of the system. The model is composed by N interacting agents representing a company, country or other economic entity. Each agent, identified by an index i = 1 · · · N, is characterized by a real, scalar degree of freedom, x i ∈ [0, ∞] denoting the strength, wealth or richness of the agent. The system evolves in time t synchronously. Each agent updates its x t i value according to its present state and