Abstract. Recent small angle scattering experiments reveal new peaks in the structure function S(k) of colloidal systems ( S.H. Chen et al [1]), in a region that was inaccessible with older instruments. It has been increasingly evident that a single (or double) Yukawa MSA-closures cannot account for these observations, and three or more terms are needed. On the other hand the MSA is not sufficiently accurate with the boundary condition for g ij (r) = 0 for r ≤ σ ij . This general closure of the Ornstein Zernike equation will go well beyond the MSA since it has been tested by Monte Carlo simulation for tetrahedral water [7], toroidal ion channels [8] and polyelectrolytes [9]. For this closure we get for the Laplace transform of the pair correlation function an explicitly symmetric result is a scalar function. For polydisperse electrolytes in the MSA a simpler expression is also obtained (compare [12]) . An explicit continued fraction solution of the 1 component multiyukawa case is also given.