A theoretical study of the performance of single-mode coupled spontaneous parametric downconversion sources is proposed, which only requires very few assumptions of practical interest : narrow-bandwidth and quasi-degenerate collinear generation. Other assumptions like pump beam spatial and temporal envelopes, target single-mode profile and size, and non-linear susceptibility distribution, are only taken into account in the final step of the computation, thus making the theory general and flexible. Figures of merit for performance include absolute collected brightness, pair collection efficiency and heralding ratio. The optimization of these values is investigated through functions that only depend on dimensionless parameters, allowing for deducing from the results the best experimental configuration for a whole range of design choices (e.g. crystal length, pump power). A particular application of the theory is validated by an experimental optimization obtained under compatible assumptions. A comparison with other works and proposals for numerically implementing the theory in its most generality are also provided.