Abstract.Existence of a simplex with prescribed edge lengths in Euclidean, spherical, and hyperbolic spaces was studied recently. A simple sufficient condition of this existence is, roughly speaking, that the lengths do not differ too much. We extend these results to Riemannian ^-manifolds M" . More precisely we consider m + 1 points Po, px , ... , pm in M" , m < n , with prescribed mutual distances Ijj and establish a condition on the matrix (/,y) under which the points p, can be selected as freely as in R" : p0 is a prescribed point, the shortest path p0px has a prescribed direction at Po > the triangle PoP\P2 determines a prescribed 2-dimensional direction at pq , and so on.
Basic definitions and the theoremExistence of a simplex with prescribed edge lengths in Euclidean, spherical, and hyperbolic spaces was studied in [3]. A simple sufficient condition of this existence established there is, roughly speaking, that the edge lengths do not differ too much, see [3, Theorem 2]. We deal here with m + 1 points Po, P\, ■■■ , Pm in a Riemannian n-manifold M" , m < n, with prescribed mutual distances fj and establish a condition on the matrix (//,) under which the points p, can be selected as freely as in R" : po is a prescribed point, the shortest path poP\ has a prescribed direction at po , the triangle PoP\P2 determines a prescribed 2-dimensional direction at po , and so on. Our result however does not guarantee uniqueness of the points pt (see more on that at the ends of parts A and I of §3). Note that the desired points p, may not exist even though all the distances Uj are equal and the manifold M" is complete, noncompact, and expanding in the following sense: there exists a point w £ M" and a constant c > 0 such that for any triangle awb with wa = wb , one has ab > c • wa • Zawb where Z means angle. An appropriate example for four points in M3 can be constructed as follows. Let M2 be a narrow right circular cone. Its vertex v can be smoothed out later for regularity. Put M3 = M2 x 7?. One can check that M3 is expanding if the point (v , 0) is chosen as the point w . Prescribe /,; = 1 .