We construct an exact tensor functor from the category scriptA of finite‐dimensional graded modules over the quiver Hecke algebra of type A∞ to the category CBn(1) of finite‐dimensional integrable modules over the quantum affine algebra of type Bnfalse(1false). It factors through the category T2n, which is a localization of scriptA. As a result, this functor induces a ring isomorphism from the Grothendieck ring of T2n (ignoring the gradings) to the Grothendieck ring of a subcategory CBn(1)0 of CBn(1). Moreover, it induces a bijection between the classes of simple objects. Because the category T2n is related to categories CA2n−1(t)0 (t=1,2) of the quantum affine algebras of type A2n−1false(tfalse), we obtain an interesting connection between those categories of modules over quantum affine algebras of type A and type B. Namely, for each t=1,2, there exists an isomorphism between the Grothendieck ring of CA2n−1(t)0 and the Grothendieck ring of CBn(1)0, which induces a bijection between the classes of simple modules.