A tunable, high-intensity picosecond-dye-laser system has been employed with electron energy analysis to investigate the dynamics of (3+ 1) resonance-enhanced multiphoton ionization via various vibrational levels of the B 'X"and C 'Il"electronic states in H2. At the intensities studied [(0.2 -6) X 10" W/cm ], we find evidence for production of molecular ions in various vibrational levels; at the lower intensities the population distribution of final vibrational states varies with wavelength in a manner consistent with resonant enhancement at the three-photon level, followed by ionization into a vibrational level of H2+ roughly predictable by a Franck-Condon analysis of ionization out of the C state. At higher intensities, there is a shift to increased population of lower vibrational states of H2+, consistent with an ac Stark shift of the correspondingly lower vibrational levels of the C state into resonance with the three-photon energy of the laser. Clear evidence of direct dissociation of H2 followed by single-photon ionization of the excited H atom is observed as well. Above-threshold ionization of these two processes occurs readily. We also find that dissociative ionization is an increasingly important ionization pathway as the wavelength is increased. Finally, we see evidence of a fourth ionization pathway, which we tentatively assign to photoionization into a transient bound state created by the avoided crossing of the first repulsive electronic state of H2,~2po. ", n), with the single-photon-dressed ground state of Hz+, isos, n +1).