. 2008. Effect of lecithin with or without chitooligosaccharide on the growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood metabolites and pork quality of finishing pigs. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 88: 283Á292. Two experiments were conducted to evaluate the effect of dietary lecithin with or without chitooligosaccharide (COS) on the performance, blood metabolites, pork cholesterol, fatty acid composition and quality of finishing pigs. In exp. 1, 36 pigs (Landrace )Yorkshire )Duroc, 84.590.60 kg initial body weight) were fed lecithin at 0, 2.5 or 5.0% of the diet. Lecithin improved average daily gain (16%) and feed conversion ratio, and did not affect apparent nutrient digestibility. On day 28, lecithin decreased serum total and low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol (34 and 77%, P 00.016), and increased serum triglyceride (P 00.048). Lecithin did not affect carcass characteristics and pork quality, but increased myristic and alinolenic acid and reduced palmitoleic acid in pork. Experiment 2 involved 108 pigs (85.090.76 kg initial body weight) in a 2 )2 factorial arrangement of treatments, wherein two levels of lecithin (low, 2.5 and high, 5.0%) and COS (0.0 and 0.1%) were used. Addition of COS in diets containing lecithin reduced pork cholesterol (16.4%) and oleic acid (28.3%), and did not affect performance, nutrient digestibility, blood metabolites and pork quality. In conclusion, these results suggest that lecithin improved the growth performance of finishing pigs and inclusion of COS reduced the amount of cholesterol in pork.Key words: Lecithin, COS, performance, nutrient digestibility, pork quality Kim, W.-T., Shinde, P. et Chae, B. J. 2008. Incidence de la le´cithine contenant ou pas des chito-oligosaccharides sur la croissance des porcs de finition, la digestibilite´des e´le´ments nutritifs, les me´tabolites du sang et la qualite´de la viande. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 88: 283Á292. Les auteurs ont effectue´deux expe´riences afin d'e´valuer l'impact de la le´cithine contenant ou pas des chito-oligosaccharides (COS) sur la croissance des porcs de finition, les me´tabolites du sang, la concentration de choleste´rol dans la viande, la composition des acides gras et la qualite´de la viande. Dans la premie`re, ils ont donne´a3 6 porcs (Landrace )Yorkshire )Duroc, 84,590,60 kg de poids initial) une ration contenant 0, 2,5 ou 5,0 % de le´cithine. La le´cithine augmente le gain quotidien moyen (16 %) et l'indice de consommation sans modifier la digestibilite´apparente des nutriments. Au 28 e jour, la le´cithine avait diminue´la concentration de choleste´rol total et de choleste´rol LDL dans le sang (34 et 77 %, P00,016) et augmente´celle de triglyce´rides (P 00,048). La le´cithine n'a aucune incidence sur les proprie´te´s de la carcasse ni sur la qualite´de la viande, mais elle accroıˆt la concentration d'acide myristique et d'acide alinole´nique tout en diminuant celle d'acide palmitole´ique dans la viande. La deuxie`me expe´rience portait sur 108 porcs (85,090,76 kg de poids initial) re´partis en une disposition factorielle 2...