Nuclear systems have quite characteristic features that non-central interactions play a crucial role. The spin-orbit interaction is quite important in explaining the observed magic numbers, and the j j-coupling shell model is based on this picture. Also, the tensor interaction makes 4 He nucleus strongly bound as a subunit of nuclear structure called α cluster. Our goal is to pave the way to generally describe the nuclear structure, including shell and cluster structures simultaneously. However, in most of the traditional cluster models, the spin-orbit and tensor interactions do not contribute inside α clusters and also between α clusters because of the antisymmetrization effect and spatial symmetry of α cluster. Therefore for the general description of the nuclear structure, we extend the model space of cluster models to the shell model side and include the contribution of non-central interactions. For the spin-orbit interaction, we proposed the antisymmetrized quasi-cluster model (AQCM), which allows smooth transition of α cluster model wave function to j j-coupling shell model one. We apply it to 12 C and 16 O. By utilizing Tohsaki interaction, which is phenomenological but has finite-range three-body interaction terms, the consistent understanding of these nuclei can be achieved, which has been a long standing problem of conventional cluster model. Using AQCM, we also discuss the anomalously large radius observed in 24 O, which is located at the dripline of Oxygen isotopes. For the tensor interaction, previously we proposed a simplified model to directly take into account the contribution of the tensor interaction (SMT); however the contribution of the tensor interaction was quite limited. Here we improve SMT, which is called iSMT. Using newly proposed iSMT, the contribution of the tensor interaction in 4 He is more than −40 MeV, four times larger than the previous version. In 16 O, the tensor contribution is also large, and this is coming from the finite size effect for the distances among α clusters with a tetrahedral configuration.