Modern professional training of teachers requires the introduction of innovative technologies, in particular simulation technologies, which emphasize interactivity, creativity and the use of information and communication methods. These technologies are aimed at preparing for practical activities, developing critical thinking and gaining experience through the simulation of pedagogical situations.The purpose of the study was to analyze the features of the application of simulation methods and tools in the educational process of a higher school. The methods of analysis included the analysis of literary sources, the study of the practice of using simulation methods and teaching aids in the educational process, and questionnaires and surveys among students and teachers. Simulation methods and learning tools contribute to the development of critical thinking, interpersonal skills and the ability to adapt to different professional situations.The results of the study indicate the importance and effectiveness of the use of simulation technologies in the educational process of higher education institutions, which makes it possible to make the learning process interesting, visual and practical and to build it on the basis of activity and competence approaches. However, technical limitations and lack of training of teachers to use simulation methods and tools in the educational process are the main factors that complicate the implementation of simulation technologies in the educational process. Taking into account the potential advantages of the studied methods, the effectiveness of the application of simulation methods and training tools as a tool for improving the quality of professional training of future specialists has been proven. The practical significance of the work is that the results of the study can be used during the organization of the educational process of students of pedagogical specialties of higher education institutions, updating the methodological and practical component in the teaching of educational components