We consider time-inhomogeneous Markov chains on a finite state-space, whose transition probabilitiesp,y(/) = Cjjt(t) Vi J are proportional to powers of a vanishing small parameter e(t). We determine the precise relationship between this • chain and the corresponding time-homogeneous chains p,y = c^e 1^, as e ^ 0.Let | vj) be the steady-state distribution of this time-homogeneous chain. We characterize the orders ( JJ,) in v-= Q(e m ). We show that if e(t) \ 0 slowly enough, then the timewise occupation measures /3,-:= sup( 0| SJ1, «(/)* Prob(x(O = /') = +oo J, called the recurrence orders, satisfy ft -fy = ij y -TJ,. Moreover, if S : = [vilvi = min jVj] is the set of ground states of the timehomogeneous chain, thenx(t) -* Q, in an appropriate sense, whenever i/(f) is "cooled" slowly. We also show that there exists a critical p* such that x(t) -> 9 if and only if £,°L, e(t) p * = +oo. We characterize this critical rate as p* = max, e s min,« e S min p = ( , = , 0 , Vv= ,-) maxo s * s/ v-i(K>/ t+1 + Vt k -V,)-Finally, we provide a graph algorithm for determining the orders (%) and (/?,-] and the critical rate p*.