Calibre persistent labial artery (CPLA) usually presents as an asymptomatic papule on the lower lip and can be easily misdiagnosed as a mucocele, haemangioma, venous lake, varix or fibroma. When it is ulcerated, squamous cell carcinoma is the most usual differential diagnosis. Here, we report a case of a 25-year-old woman with no previous relevant medical history who presented with a complaint of an asymptomatic, non-ulcerated, progressively growing nodule (over the last 5 months) on the upper lip. In this case, the diagnosis was made clinically and confirmed by immunohistochemical analysis. We conclude that clinicians should be aware of CPLA and it should be included in the differential diagnosis of labial mucosal papules. Sometimes, the immunohistochemical analysis is necessary to make a correct diagnosis.