Embedded 3D printing (EMB3D) is an additive manufacturing
that enables complex fabrication of soft materials including tissues
and silicones. In EMB3D, a nozzle writes continuous filaments into
a support bath consisting of a yield stress fluid. Lack of fusion
defects between filaments can occur because the nozzle pushes support
fluid into existing filaments, preventing coalescence. Interfacial
tension was previously proposed as a tool to drive interfilament fusion.
However, interfacial tension can also drive rupture and shrinkage
of printed filaments. Here, we evaluate the efficacy of interfacial
tension as a tool to control defects in EMB3D. Using polydimethylsiloxane
(PDMS)-based inks with varying amounts of fumed silica and surfactant,
printed into Laponite in water supports, we evaluate the effect of
rheology, interfacial tension, print speeds, and interfilament spacings
on defects. We print pairs of parallel filaments at varying orientations
in the bath and use digital image analysis to quantify shrinkage,
rupture, fusion, and positioning defects. By comparing disturbed filaments
to printed pairs of filaments, we disentangle the effects of nozzle
movement and filament extrusion. Critically, we find that capillary
instabilities and interfilament fusion scale with the balance between
support rheology and interfacial tension. Less viscous supports and
higher interfacial tensions lead to more shrinkage and rupture at
all points in the printing process, from relaxation after writing,
to disturbance of the line, to writing of a second line. It is necessary
to overextrude material to achieve interfilament fusion, particularly
at high support viscosities and low interfacial tensions. Finally,
fusion quality varies with printing orientation, and writing neighboring
filaments causes displacement of existing structures. As such, specialized
slicers are needed for EMB3D that consider the tighter spacings and
orientation-dependent spacings necessary to achieve precise control
over printed shapes.