During firing from a mortar, an important issue is the parameters of compressibility of the ground on which the mortar is placed. This affects the operation of the mortar (including safety). During the qualification tests of the mortar, the influence of different types of terrains on its strength and work during shooting should be examined. Until now, in the Polish standardization documents there was no clear description of the ground parameters used for these kinds of tests. Analysis of the literature also did not allow to determine the dependence of the mortars displacement in the function of the type of ground and its geotechnical parameters. In view of the above, it has become important to draw up a research problem in the form of determining the types of soil with parameters, enabling the mortar tests to be carried out in conditions as close as possible to combat conditions. Therefore, the authors carried out the theoretical calculations and field tests with the use of geotechnical methods such as static and dynamic load tests to determine the parameters of the ground for mortar testing. Preliminary tests were conducted using the prescribed measurement methods and a comparative mortar firing test. Subsequently, an analysis of the results was carried out and the possibilities of using the tested methods of measuring the parameters of soil compressibility were determined.