The regional air quality modeling system Regional Atmospheric Modeling System-Community Multiscale Air Quality was applied to estimate the spatial distribution and seasonal variation in nitrogen wet deposition over East Asia in 2010. The simulated results were evaluated by comparing modeled precipitation rates and ion concentrations, such as ammonium (NH + 4 ), nitrate (NO − 3 ), and sulfate, in rainwater, against observations obtained from Acid Deposition Monitoring Network in East Asia and meteorological stations in China. Comparison of simulated and observed precipitation showed that the modeling system can reproduce seasonal precipitation patterns reasonably well. For major ion species, the simulated results in most cases were in good agreement with those observed. Analysis of the modeled wet deposition distributions indicated that China experiences noticeable variation in wet deposition patterns throughout the year. Nitrogen wet deposition (NH + 4 + NO − 3 ) during summer and spring accounted for 71% of the annual total (3.9 Tg N yr −1 ), including 42.7% in summer. Precipitation plays a larger role in the seasonal variation of wet deposition; whereas, aerosol concentrations affect its distribution patterns. In China, the amount of annual nitrogen wet deposition ranged from 1 to 18 kg N ha −1 . Nitrogen in wet deposition was mainly in the form of NH + 4 , accounting for 65.76% of the total amount, and the molar ratio of NH + 4 ∕NO − 3 was mostly more than 1, indicating a relatively larger effect from agricultural activities. 摘要 近20年来我国的酸雨和酸沉降分布发生了较大变化,其中一个重要变化是硝酸根离子明显增 加,这主要是氮氧化物排放增加所导致的。为了评估氮氧化物排放对酸雨和酸沉降的影响,本 文利用区域大气化学模式RAMS-CMAQ模拟分析了东亚地区氮氧化物排放、输送和化学转化 过程以及降水时空变化对氮氧化物和氮沉降量时空分布的影响,并借助于中国气象台站和东亚 酸沉降监测网的观测数据评估了模式结果的合理性。模拟结果显示,东亚地区氮湿沉降的季节 变化十分显著,氮湿沉降通量在1~18 kg N ha −1 yr -1 之间;春夏两季湿沉降占全年的71%,其 中夏季占42.7%。