Current plans for treatment and disposal of immobilized low-activity waste (ILAW) from Hanford's underground waste storage tanks include vitrification and storage of the glass waste form in a near-surface disposal facility. This Integrated Disposal Facility (IDF) is located in the 200 East Area of the Hanford Central Plateau. Performance assessment (PA) of the IDF requires numerical modeling of subsurface flow and reactive transport processes over very long periods (thousands of years). The models used to predict facility performance require parameters describing various physical, hydraulic, and transport properties. This report provides updated estimates of physical, hydraulic, and transport properties and parameters for both near-and far-field materials, intended for use in future IDF PA modeling efforts. Previous work on physical and hydraulic property characterization for earlier IDF PA analyses is reviewed and summarized. For near-field materials, portions of this document and parameter estimates are taken from an earlier data package. For far-field materials, a critical review is provided of methodologies used in previous data packages. Alternative methods are described and associated parameters are provided. For far-field materials, consisting of both sand-and gravel-dominated facies underlying the IDF, a particular model has been used in previous PA modeling efforts to represent the saturation-dependent anisotropy of unsaturated hydraulic conductivity. We recommend that this model be replaced with a more recent and general tensorial pore-connectivity-tortuosity (TCT) model for saturation-dependent anisotropy. Simulation results from both the TCT and the earlier anisotropy model have been compared with observed data from a controlled vadose zone field injection experiment performed just south of the 200 East Area. The TCT model was shown to predict observed flow behavior at this site as well as or better than the model used in previous PA efforts, and with many fewer added model parameters (one versus eight). Recommended parameter estimates for the TCT model are presented. Previous estimates of dispersivities for vadose zone sediments were based on stochastic theory developed for saturated aquifer materials. An extensive literature review is presented that suggests these estimates may not be appropriate for unsaturated conditions. An alternative approach based on more fundamental physical property information is described and updated parameter estimates are presented.