Over the last decades, cosmological simulations of galaxy formation have been instrumental for advancing our understanding of structure and galaxy formation in the Universe. These simulations follow the nonlinear evolution of galaxies modeling a variety of physical processes over an enormous range of scales. A better understanding of the physics relevant for shaping galaxies, improved numerical methods, and increased computing power have led to simulations that can reproduce a large number of observed galaxy properties. Modern simulations model dark matter, dark energy, and ordinary matter in an expanding space-time starting from well-defined initial conditions. The modeling of ordinary matter is most challenging due to the large array of physical processes affecting this matter component. Cosmological simulations have also proven useful to study alternative cosmological models and their impact on the galaxy population. This review presents a concise overview of the methodology of cosmological simulations of galaxy formation and their different applications. arXiv:1909.07976v4 [astro-ph.GA] 23 Oct 2019 become important for cosmological studies since they can, for example, explore the impact of alternative cosmological models on the galaxy population. Cosmological simulations of galaxy formation therefore provide important insights into a wide range of problems in astrophysics and cosmology. The most important components of cosmological galaxy formation simulations are discussed in this review. A schematic overview of the different ingredients of cosmological simulations is presented in Figure 2.
Cosmological FrameworkCosmological simulations of galaxy formation are performed within a cosmological model and start from specific initial conditions. Both of these ingredients are now believed to be known to high precision.
Cosmological ModelVarious observations revealed that our Universe is geometrically flat and dominated by dark matter and dark energy accounting for about ∼ 95% of the energy density. Standard model particles make up for the remaining ∼ 5% and are collectively referred to as baryons. The leading model for structure formation assumes that dark matter is cold, with negligible random motions when decoupled from other matter, and collisionless, so-called cold dark matter, and dark energy is represented by a cosmological constant Λ, which drives the accelerated expansion of the Universe. This leads to the concordance ΛCDM model, which builds the framework for galaxy formation. Measurements of the cosmic microwave background combined with other observations such as the distance-redshift relation from Type Ia supernovae, abundances of galaxy clusters, and galaxy clustering constrain the fundamental parameters of the ΛCDM model 3 .
Initial ConditionsInitial conditions for cosmological simulations specify the perturbations imposed on top of a homogeneous expanding background. The background model is generally taken to be a spatially flat Friedmann-Lemaître-Robertson-Walker space-time with a defined compositio...