We present a comprehensive comparison of spin and energy dynamics in quantum and classical spin models on different geometries, ranging from one-dimensional chains, over quasi-one-dimensional ladders, to twodimensional square lattices. Focusing on dynamics at formally infinite temperature, we particularly consider the autocorrelation functions of local densities, where the time evolution is governed either by the linear Schrödinger equation in the quantum case or the nonlinear Hamiltonian equations of motion in the case of classical mechanics. While, in full generality, a quantitative agreement between quantum and classical dynamics can therefore not be expected, our large-scale numerical results for spin-1/2 systems with up to N = 36 lattice sites in fact defy this expectation. Specifically, we observe a remarkably good agreement for all geometries, which is best for the nonintegrable quantum models in quasi-one or two dimensions, but still satisfactory in the case of integrable chains, at least if transport properties are not dominated by the extensive number of conservation laws. Our findings indicate that classical or semiclassical simulations provide a meaningful strategy to analyze the dynamics of quantum many-body models, even in cases where the spin quantum number S = 1/2 is small and far away from the classical limit S → ∞.