Dynamic simulation of materials is a promising application for noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) computers. The difficulty in carrying out such simulations is that a quantum circuit must be executed for each time-step, and in general, these circuits grow in size with the number of time-steps simulated. NISQ computers can only produce high-fidelity results for circuits up to a given size due to gate error rates and qubit decoherence times, limiting the number of time-steps that can be successfully simulated. Here, we present a method for producing circuits that are constant in depth with increasing number of simulated time-steps for dynamic simulations of quantum materials for a specialized set of Hamiltonians derived from the one-dimensional Heisenberg model. We show how to build the constant-depth circuit structure for each system size, where the number of CNOT gates in the N -qubit constant-depth circuit structure grows only quadratically with N . The constantdepth circuits, which comprise an array of two-qubit matchgates on nearest-neighbor qubits, are constructed based on a set of multi-matchgate identities that we introduce as conjectures. Tutorials with the full code for generating our constant-depth circuits for the XY and transverse field Ising models are included. Using our constant-depth circuits, we are successfully able to demonstrate longtime dynamic simulations of quantum systems with up to five spins on available quantum hardware. Such constant-depth circuits could enable simulations of long-time dynamics for scientifically and technologically relevant quantum materials, enabling the observation of interesting and important atomic-level physics.