Context. Solar flares are sudden and violent releases of magnetic energy in the solar atmosphere that can be divided into two classes: eruptive flares, where plasma is ejected from the solar atmosphere resulting in a coronal mass ejection (CME), and confined flares, where no CME is associated with the flare. Aims. We present a case study showing the evolution of key topological structures, such as spines and fans, which may determine the eruptive versus non-eruptive behavior of the series of eruptive flares followed by confined flares, which all originate from the same site. Methods. To study the connectivity of the different flux domains and their evolution, we compute a potential magnetic field model of the active region. Quasi-separatrix layers are retrieved from the magnetic field extrapolation. Results. The change in behavior of the flares from one day to the next -from eruptive to confined -can be attributed to the change in orientation of the magnetic field below the fan with respect to the orientation of the overlaying spine rather than an overall change in the stability of the large-scale field. Conclusions. Flares tend to be more confined when the field that supports the filament and the overlying field gradually becomes less anti-parallel as a direct result of changes in the photospheric flux distribution, being themselves driven by continuous shearing motions of the different magnetic flux concentrations.Key words. Sun: filaments, prominences -Sun: flares -Sun: magnetic fields -Sun: activity
IntroductionSolar flares are among the most energetic phenomena that occur in the solar atmosphere, and they can be divided into eruptive flares, which are associated with coronal mass ejections, and confined flares (see reviews of Schmieder et al. 2015;Janvier et al. 2015). These latter are normally not associated with a CME, and either no filament is present at all (Schmieder et al. 1997;Dalmasse et al. 2015) or the filament fails to erupt (Török & Kliem 2005;Guo et al. 2010a). In addition to full and failed eruptions, there are cases where only a part of the filament erupts; such events are defined as partial erupting events. Partial eruptions may or may not be associated with a CME ( The CSHKP model (Carmichael 1964;Sturrock 1966;Hirayama 1974;Kopp & Pneuman 1976) and its extension in three dimensions (Aulanier et al. 2012;Janvier et al. 2013Janvier et al. , 2015 can explain several observational signatures of the full (or Movies associated to Figs. 2, 3, and 5 are available at failed) eruptive flares, such as the presence of X-ray sigmoids, flare ribbons, and brightening motions along the ribbons themselves. In particular, Savcheva et al. (2015Savcheva et al. ( , 2016 have shown that the flare ribbons often coincide with the photospheric signature of quasi-separatrix layers (QSLs, Démoulin et al. 1996), i.e., thin layers characterized by a sharp gradient in the connectivity of the magnetic field. The brightening motions along the ribbons have been interpreted as the signatures of...