The input selection process for data-driven rainfall-runoff models is critical because input vectors determine the structure of the model and, hence, can influence model results.Here, hydro-geomorphic and biophysical time series inputs, including Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and Index of Connectivity (IC; a type of hydrological connectivity index), in addition to climatic and hydrologic inputs were assessed. Selected inputs were used to develop Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) in the Haughton River catchment and the Calliope River catchment, Queensland, Australia. Results show that incorporating IC as a hydro-geomorphic parameter and remote sensing NDVI as a biophysical parameter, together with rainfall and runoff as hydro-climatic parameters, can improve ANN model performance compared to ANN models using only hydro-climatic parameters. Comparisons amongst different input patterns showed that IC inputs can contribute to further improvement in model performance, than NDVI inputs. Overall, ANN model simulations showed that using IC along with hydro-climatic inputs noticeably improved model performance in both catchments, especially in the Calliope catchment. This improvement is indicated by a slight increase (9.77% and 11.25%) in the Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency and noticeable decrease (24.43% and 37.89%) in the root mean squared error of monthly runoff from Haughton River and Calliope River, respectively. Here, we demonstrate the significant effect of hydro-geomorphic and biophysical time series inputs for estimating monthly runoff using ANN data-driven models, which are valuable for water resources planning and management.2 of 20 models in the simulation of R-R non-linear process is more popular than conceptual models [5]. Data-driven models attempt to find a relationship between input and output parameters without considering the physical process [1]. Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) are a type of data-driven model with a flexible mathematical structure which includes both linear and nonlinear concepts which operate within a dynamic input-output system [6].In the past several decades, there has been substantial growth in application of ANNs for R-R modelling [7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15] where which ANNs have been compared to other methods, including traditional statistical methods, conceptual models and other artificial intelligence models. Result of these studies have shown that ANN is more accurate than conventional and traditional statistical methods. For example, the ANN approach predicted more accurate runoff in the Mississippi River basin than the conventional autoregressive moving average with exogenous inputs (ARMAX) approach in [16]. Birikundavyi et al. [17] have demonstrated that streamflow forecasting using ANN models has better performance than conceptual model (PREVIS) and the conventional autoregressive model coupled with a Kalman filter (ARMAX-KF) models. Additionally, comparison of ANNs with other artificial intelligence models (e.g., support vector machine (SVM), genetic pr...