T his paper shows how to coordinate the decisions on pricing and fleet management of a freight carrier. We consider a setting where the carrier announces its prices at the beginning of a certain time horizon and the load arrivals over this horizon depend on the announced prices. Assuming that the vehicle fleet is managed according to a particular class of fleet management models, we present a tractable method to obtain sample path-based directional derivatives of the objective function with respect to the prices. We use this information to search for a good set of prices. Numerical experiments show that our approach yields high-quality solutions. Extensive literature has evolved around the problem of managing a fleet of vehicles to serve the loads occurring at different locations in a transportation network. Yet relatively little attention has been directed to the problem of determining what prices to charge. Due to the competitive nature of the freight transportation industry, lower prices can increase the number of loads over different traffic lanes (origindestination pairs), but the correct prices have to consider not only the profit-maximization problem over each traffic lane, but also the downstream effects that arise when the vehicles become empty and have to be repositioned to other locations.In this paper, we address the question of how to coordinate the decisions on pricing and fleet management of a freight carrier. Let 1 T be the set of time periods in the planning horizon and at the beginning of time period 1, the carrier decides what prices to charge over the next T time periods. These prices vary by traffic lanes, and may or may not vary by time. The objective is to find a set of prices that maximize the total expected profit over the planning horizon. We explicitly model the random load arrivals and the price-demand interactions by letting the number of loads over each traffic lane be a random variable whose distribution depends on the price. Assuming that the carrier makes its fleet management decisions by using the stochastic fleet management model previously developed by Godfrey and Powell (2002), we provide a tractable algorithm to obtain sample path-based directional derivatives of the objective function with respect to the prices. Starting from given prices, we use this information to search for better ones.Fleet management models have their roots in some of the earliest applications of linear programming and min-cost network-flow algorithms; see Fulkerson (1954), Ferguson andDantzig (1955), White and Bomberault (1969) and White (1972). These early models essentially formulate the problem over a statetime network, where the nodes represent the supply of vehicles at different locations at different time periods, the arcs represent the vehicle movements, and where the load availabilities act as upper bounds on the arcs. They are referred to as deterministic models because they assume that the load arrivals over the entire planning horizon are known in advance and they incorporate the uncertai...