Magnetite nanoparticles
present attractive properties including
high magnetization, low toxicity, adsorption capacity, and simple
preparation, making them efficient in water purification processes,
soil remediation, and biomedical applications. In this sense, there
is growing interest in the production of magnetite nanoparticles;
therefore, evaluating the performance of this process on a large scale
gives relevant information to process designers. In this work, the
simulation and exergy analysis of large-scale production of magnetite
nanoparticles via coprecipitation were performed using computer-aided
tools. The process was modeled for the production of 807 t/year of
magnetite nanoparticles; the data for the simulation were obtained
from the literature, and experimental results were developed by the
authors. The exergy efficiency of the process was estimated at 0.046%.
The exergy of waste was estimated to be 105 313 MJ/h, while
the unavoidable exergy losses were 2941 MJ/h. Washing 2 and 3 represented
the most critical stages of the process, contributing 95.12% of the
total irreversibilities due to the waste exergy, which corresponds
to the water and ethanol exergy discarded in these stages. These results
show that the process must be improved from the energy point of view
and require the implementation of process optimization strategies
to reach a more sustainable design.