Abstract. Motivated by tools for automated deduction on functional programming languages and programs, we propose a formalism to symbolically represent α-renamings for meta-expressions. e formalism is an extension of usual higher-order meta-syntax which allows to α-rename all valid ground instances of a metaexpression to ful ll the distinct variable convention. e renaming mechanism may be helpful for several reasoning tasks in deduction systems. We present our approach for a meta-language which uses higher-order abstract syntax and a meta-notation for recursive let-bindings, contexts, and environments. It is used in the LRSX Tool -a tool to reason on the correctness of program transformations in higher-order program calculi with respect to their operational semantics. Besides introducing a formalism to represent symbolic α-renamings, we present and analyze algorithms for simpli cation of α-renamings, matching, rewriting, and checking α-equivalence of symbolically α-renamed meta-expressions.