The presence of analytical dependencies describing the process of static soil puncture by a working body with a conical asymmetric tip is necessary to create installations with the ability to control the trajectory of the soil puncture.
The paper considers the features of the process of interaction of an asymmetric conical tip with the ground. Analytical relationships were obtained to determine its reactions during a static puncture, the deviation of the head trajectory from a straight line, to determine the size of the soil compaction zone and the magnitude of the destructive force that acts on adjacent communications and other underground objects. It was found that with an increase in the value of the displacement of the top of the cone, for example, from its axis from 0.02 m to 0.08 m with a borehole diameter of 0.2 m, the value of soil resistance increases almost four times. The greatest resistance is achieved when piercing a hard sandy sand.
It was found that with an increase in the displacement of the tip of the tip cone, the deviation of the trajectory increases. The piercing head achieves the greatest deviation from the straight trajectory of movement with a sharper cone and a greater asymmetric deviation of its top, and, for example, in hard sandy loam can be up to 0.17 m with a span of 10 m.
It was found that the size of the soil destruction zone will be almost 1.8 times larger than the tip in the form of a symmetrical cone and reaches from 8 to 12 borehole diameters, depending on the type of soil. The maximum pressure on adjacent objects can reach from 0.06 MPa in hard-plastic clay to 0.09 MPa in hard sandy loam.
The calculated dependences obtained for determining the power and technological parameters depending on the geometric dimensions of the asymmetric tip of the working body can be used to create installations with a controlled static puncture for use in the most common soil conditions.