The procedure of electric-discharge XeCl-exɫilamps modeling is presented. There are many reports on the different models of XeCl-excilamps, but for practical applications and theoretical analysis having clear physical sense it is useful to consider a general procedure. In general case program of XeCl-excilamps modeling includes the next subprograms: the subprogram for solution of Boltzmann equation for electrons; subprogram for calculation of solving of set of equations for kinetic processes; subprogram for calculation of solving of set of equations for electric circuit of excitation system; data base for cross-section of reaction with electron participation; data base for rate coefficients of reactions with heavy particles, ions and photons participation. The model must be able to calculate an electrons concentration, density of excimer XeCl * molecules and specific energy deposition in active medium. The knowledge of XeCl * molecules concentration has allowed to evaluate the excilamp output power.
METHODOLOGYModeling of electro-discharge XeCl excilamps is sufficiently difficult physical and mathematical problem. The model should take into account and describe processes which occur both in the active environment, and in system of excitation of the volume discharge. Generally the computer model includes the following modules and databases.1) The module of the solving of Boltzmann equation for the electron energy distribution function (EEDF) [1, 2]. This module on composition of a mixture, on value of a degree of ionization and set E/N (E -intensity of an electric field in an interelectrode gap; N -full concentration of particles) allows to find EEDF and accordingly to define rates of plasmachemical reactions with participation of electrons, and also to define electron mobility.Rate factors of reactions with participation of electrons were obtained by averaging on EEDF expressions of next type. /m 2 ) (For the solving ready program Bolsig + [1, 2], which automatically calculates rate factors of reactions, is used. Essential advantage of this program is the account of electron -electron collisions and presence of a separate file with a database on cross-sections of reactions with electron participation depending on their energy (Siglo.sec). This file contains sections for 15 gas component: N 2 , O 2 , H 2 , Cl 2 , F 2 , HCl, CF 4 , SiH 4 , CH 4 , SF 6 , He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe. As the file is written in a text format it allows the user to fill up easily independently a database on cross-sections by additional component, for example, to take into account influence on EEDF presence in mix XeCl*, Xe 2 *, Xe 2 + and so on.2) The module of the solving of system of the equations of plasma-chemical reactions [3][4][5][6]. Models of XeCl-excilamp (halogenide HCl, Cl 2 ) are investigated and analyzed. Two channels of formation of XeCl*-molecules were taken into account: harpoon reaction and three-body recombination.On the base of these models the program module for solving of system of the equations of plasma-chemical reactions ...