Chemometrlcs and EdHor of the CRC Chemometrics Series and he serves on the editorial boards of Analytlca Chlmlca Acta and Analytical Letters. He also serves as Acting President of the North American Chapter of the International Chemometrlcs Society, as an officer in the Chemometrlcs Society, and as a member of the Chemstatistics committee of the American Statistical Association. His research Interests encompass many aspects of the application of computers to chemical analysis. Including signal processing methods, neural networks, digital filters and modeling of interfaclal and transport processes. Robert S. Bear, Jr., earned a B.S. degree in chemistry from the University of Delaware In 1989. Currently, he Is a graduate research assistant working towards a Ph.D. In analytical chemistry at the University ol Delaware. His research Interests include Kalman filtering, electrochemical simulation, and novel ultrasound methods for process control.