While low-cost natural gas resources
remain abundant,
a cost-effective
option for the production of hydrogen without direct carbon dioxide
emissions is pyrolysis, whereby a hydrocarbon is thermochemically
decomposed into hydrogen and solid carbon. A major engineering challenge
is providing the large quantities of heat required for the endothermic
reaction. We report results for a pyrolysis process in which methane
is reacted with sufficient chlorine or bromine such that the partial
oxidation reaction to form solid carbon is autothermal, with higher
reaction rates and higher equilibrium conversion than with methane
alone. The autothermal reaction of 1:1 CH4/Br2 has an equilibrium methane conversion of over 95%, and the results
demonstrate over 80% methane conversion in equimolar chlorine or bromine
at 950 °C. No catalyst is required; however, in the process,
hydrogen and hydrogen halides produced must be separated and the halogen
must be regenerated by electrolysis or chemical oxidation. The CO2-free hydrogen cost of production for the halogen-mediated
methane pyrolysis process is estimated to be $2.2–$2.4/kg H2, which is lower than that for water electrolysis ($3.5/kg
H2) and comparable to conventional methane reforming combined
with carbon capture and sequestration ($2.4/kg H2).