OATAO is an open access repository that collects the work of Toulouse researchers and makes it freely available over the web where possible. Abstract: This work is consecrated to the minimising of machining errors based on a method for the compensation of the trajectory to be machined in hemispherical milling. This compensation is found to be necessary because of the tool deflection due to the cutting forces. In order to remedy to the machining errors, caused by this deflection, a compensation method has been proposed. The latter is inspired from the mirror method, since the compensated position is going to be determined as being the trajectory reflection, deviated onto the mirror. The advantage of this proposed method is that it takes into account the three deflections d x , d y and d z , respectively to the directions X, Y and Z. After that, two-parallel machinings, separated by a groove and achieved absolutely in the same conditions and with the same tool, are carried out, on the same complex part. The first machining is with compensation, but the second is without compensation.
Compensation of a ball end tool trajectory inThe coordinates of the two obtained surfaces are recorded by a 3D measuring machine. The comparison of the two-surfaces shows the presence of an important correction of the tool trajectory, and reveals a similarity between the part obtained by simulation and the one conceived in CAM.