Abstract. We construct fully discrete stable and accurate numerical schemes for solving partial differential equations posed on non-simply connected spatial domains. The schemes are constructed using summation-by-parts operators in combination with a weak imposition of initial and boundary conditions using the simultaneous approximation term technique. In the theoretical part, we consider the two-dimensional constant coefficient advection equation posed on a rectangular spatial domain with a hole. We construct the new scheme and study well-posedness and stability. Once the theoretical development is done, the technique is extended to more complex non-simply connected geometries. Numerical experiments corroborate the theoretical results and show the applicability of the new approach and its advantages over the standard multiblock technique. Finally, an application using the linearized Euler equations for sound propagation is presented.Key words. initial boundary value problems, stability, well-posedness, boundary conditions, non-simply connected domains, complex geometries AMS subject classification. 65M99 DOI. 10.1137/18M11636711. Introduction. High order summation-by-parts (SBP) operators, together with a weak imposition of initial and well-posed boundary conditions using the simultaneous approximation term (SAT) technique, provide provably fully discrete unconditionally stable schemes for steady or time-dependent spatial domains [1,2,3,5]. These schemes have so far been mostly developed for spatial domains consisting of simply connected regions. To handle more complicated geometries, hybrid formulations utilizing finite volume and finite difference methods [6,7,8,9] have been proposed. Other alternatives within the finite difference community for complex geometries include finite difference schemes using over-set mesh discretizations [10,11,12,13], multiblock techniques [14,15,16,17], as well as SBP extensions to unstructured grids [18,19,20].In this article, we extend the SBP-SAT technique to handle partial differential equations posed on non-simply connected multidimensional geometries. As a prototype problem, we consider rectangles with rectangular holes inside, where the holes are not part of the computational domain. Hybrid methods, discontinuous Galerkin methods, and other types of schemes of SBP-SAT form are easily applicable to nonsimply connected domains. In these methods, one divides the spatial domain into patches and glues the numerical solutions together via interface couplings. In this paper, we proceed the other way around and discretize the geometry patch surrounding the hole directly, without subdividing. The novelty of the new technique is that it reduces the number of block-to-block connections and in that way improves the accuracy and lowers the cost.The rest of the article proceeds as follows. In section 2, we study the twodimensional constant coefficient advection equation posed on a rectangular geometry