ABSTRACT. Experimental investigations of grainhysical characteristics are important in analyzing the behavior of grains in handling operations (Mohsenin, 1986). Bulk handling behavior of the grains can be studied experimentally, but large-scale investigations of grain flow can be expensive and time consuming. On the other hand, computer simulations can reduce the large effort required to evaluate the flow of grain in handling operations.Recently, grain segregation and identity preservation operations have become important as grain handlers respond to an increased use of specialty grain (Berruto and Maier, 2001;Herrman et al., 2001Herrman et al., , 2002 , 2003, 2006) and with farm equipment (Greenlees and Shouse, 2000;Hirai et al., 2006;Hanna et al., 2006). Limited data on grain commingling during handling in grain elevators (Ingles et al., 2003(Ingles et al., , 2006 make it difficult to accurately predict levels of impurities that would propagate through grain handling systems. Thus, a validated mechanistic model for predicting grain commingling in various types of elevator equipment will be valuable for extending the knowledge of grain commingling beyond current experimental studies.Different modeling techniques such as continuum models and discrete element models (Wightman et al., 1998) have potential to simulate grain commingling in elevator equipment. The discrete element method (DEM) is considered one of the most promising techniques to simulate movement of individual particles (Wightman et al., 1998) such as grain kernals in bucket elevator equipment. DEM is an explicit numerical scheme in which particle interaction is monitored contact by contact and the motion of individual particles is modeled (LoCurto et al., 1997b). This explicit scheme requires small time steps, resulting in potential problems with developing realistic models that can run in a reasonable time on available computers. The model must use a critical time increment that achieves stability and simulates the true physics with a manageable number of calculations (O'Sullivan and Bray, 2004;Li et al., 2005).Relevant grain physical properties must be known to accurately simulate grain handling operations. The objectives of this study were (1) to review published physical properties of grains and oilseeds needed to model grain commingling in DEM, and (2) to develop and validate an appropriate particle model for one test seed, soybeans, based on these physical properties. Soybeans were chosen as the test seed due to their almost spherical shape for simplicity of modeling. Addition-P