AbsIrad-Building on existent robotics knowledge to model and simulate anthropomorphic kinematics Is an appealing approach, because sound knowledge gained in the fields of multi-robot and multi-agent systems can he applied. This pmvides -with little additional effort -the "new human" with capabilities ranging from nstural sm movement up to the coordinated operation of his arms and the cooperation between multiple anthrapomorphic kinematics. The same general hierarchical control structure that has successfully been used to control multi-robot system for space and industrial application has therefore k e n enhanced to incorporate the newly required capabilities. The enhancements focus on a new approach to on the one hand eomider human exhmities as articulated robob which are mechanically connected to make up the body -and on the other hand to provide a control strategy to move the full body correctly under equiIihrium conditions. We provide an overall control Structure that preserves the capabilities of the single robots und introduces "sensible couplings" to move the body as a whole in a naturally looking way. As described in the paper, this work is currently being applied to seleral application fields in industry up to the simulation of astronauts' work on the ~ International Space Station.