The rotation of localised ionisation zones, i.e. spokes, in magnetron discharge are frequently observed. The spokes are investigated by measuring floating potential oscillations with 12 flat probes placed azimuthally around a planar circular magnetron. The 12-probe setup provides sufficient temporal and spatial resolution to observe the properties of various spokes, such as rotation direction, mode number and angular velocity. The spokes are investigated as a function of discharge current, ranging from 10 mA (current density 0.5 mA cm −2) to 140 A (7 A cm −2). In the range from 10 mA to 600 mA the plasma was sustained in DC mode, and in the range from 1 A to 140 A the plasma was pulsed in high-power impulse magnetron sputtering mode. The presence of spokes throughout the complete discharge current range indicates that the spokes are an intrinsic property of a magnetron sputtering plasma discharge. The spokes may disappear at discharge currents above 80 A for Cr, as the plasma becomes homogeneously distributed over the racetrack. Up to discharge currents of several amperes (the exact value depends on the target material), the spokes rotate in a retrograde × E B direction with angular velocity in the range of 0.2-4 km s −1. Beyond a discharge current of several amperes, the spokes rotate in a × E B direction with angular velocity in the range of 5-15 km s −1. The spoke rotation reversal is explained by a transition from Ar-dominated to metal-dominated sputtering that shifts the plasma emission zone closer to the target. The spoke itself corresponds to a region of high electron density and therefore to a hump in the electrical potential. The electric field around the spoke dominates the spoke rotation direction. At low power, the plasma is further away from the target and it is dominated by the electric field to the anode, thus retrograde × E B rotation. At high power, the plasma is closer to the target and it is dominated by the electric field pointing to the target, thus × E B rotation.