Abstract. From the work by Perrie et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 54, 1790(1985], photon pairs from the 2s 1/2 → 1s 1/2 (two-photon) decay of atomic hydrogen are known to be quantum mechanically correlated. In these experiments, the polarization states of the photons emitted in back-to-back geometry were shown to violate the Bell inequality as a qualitative sign of nonlocality and entanglement. In the present contribution, we analyze how these nonlocal quantum correlations, as given by the violation of the Bell inequality, differ from the concurrence as a true entanglement measure. Results are shown for both quantifiers in dependence of the decay geometry and the initial polarization of the atoms for the 2s 1/2 → 1s 1/2 and 3d 5/2 → 1s 1/2 two-photon decay of atomic hydrogen. These results display the difference between nonlocality and entanglement and, hence, may stimulate further experiments on nonlocal quantum correlations in atomic systems.PACS. 32.10.-f Properties of atoms -31.10.+z Theory of electronic structure, electronic transitions, and chemical binding -03.67.Bg Entanglement production and manipulation -03.65.Ud Entanglement and quantum nonlocality